Bioquímica y Biología Celular
- Dr. Jesús Hernández Monge (SNI I)
- Dr. Julio Enrique Castañeda Delgado (SNI I)
- Dra. Yadira Bastián Hernández, CINVESTAV 2007, Biología Celular (SNI I)
Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional
- Dr. José Adrián Martínez González
Biofísica y Bioingeniería
- Dra. Viridiana García Meza, UNAM, Microbiología (SNI I)
- Dr. Shaoxian Song
- Dr. Alejandro López Valdivieso
- Detalles
Bioquímica y Biología Celular
1. Malbert-Colas L, Ponnuswamy A, Olivares-Illana V, Tournillon AS, Naski N, Fåhraeus R. HDMX folds the nascent p53 mRNA following activation by the ATM kinase. Mol Cell. 2014 May 8;54(3):500-11.
2. Fåhraeus R, Olivares-Illana V. MDM2's social network. Oncogene. 2014 Aug 28;33(35):4365-76.
3. Sampedro JG, Nájera H, Uribe-Carvajal S, Ruiz-Granados YG. Mapping the ATP binding site in the plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase from Kluyveromyces lactis. J Fluoresc. 2014 Nov;24(6): 1849-59.
4. Palma-Orozco G, Marrufo-Hernández NA, Sampedro JG, Nájera H. Purification and partial biochemical characterization of polyphenol oxidase from mango (Mangifera indica cv. Manila). (2014) J. Agric Food Chem. 62(40):9832-40.
5. Méndez-Hernández LE, Pérez-Mejía AE, Lara-Chacón B, Barbosa-Camacho AA, Peña-Gómez SG, Martínez-Sánchez M, Robledo-Rivera AY, Sánchez-Olea R, Calera MR. Gpn1 and Gpn3 associate tightly and their protein levels are mutually dependent in mammalian cells. FEBS Lett. 2014 Nov 3;588(21):3823-9.
6. Malbert-Colas, L., Ponnuswamy, A., Olivares-Illana, V., Tournillon, A.-S., Naski, N., Fåhraeus, R. HDMX Folds the Nascent p53 mRNA following Activation by the ATM Kinase (2014) Molecular Cell 54(3), pp. 500-11.
7. Espinosa-Soto C, Immink RG, Angenent GC, Alvarez-Buylla ER, de Folter S Tetramer formation in Arabidopsis MADS domain proteins: analysis of a protein-protein interaction network. BMC Syst Biol. 2014 Jan 27;8:9.
Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional
8. Ábrego BM, Aichholzer O, Fernández-Merchant S, Ramos P, Salazar G. Shellable Drawings and the Cylindrical Crossing Number of Kn. Discrete and Computational Geometry. 2014;52(4):743-53.
9. Balogh J, Leaños J, Salazar G. On the decay of crossing numbers of sparse graphs. Journal of Graph Theory. 2014.
10. Christian R, Richter RB, Salazar G. Embedding a Graph-Like Continuum in Some Surface. Journal of Graph Theory. 2014.
11. Gasca-Tirado, J.R., Manzano-Ramírez, A., Vazquez-Landaverde, P.A., Herrera-Díaz, E.I., Rodríguez-Ugarte, M.E., Rubio-Ávalos, J.C., Amigó-Borrás, V., Chávez-Páez, M. Ion-exchanged geopolymer for photocatalytic degradation of a volatile organic compound (2014) Materials Letters 134, pp. 222-224.
12. De Klerk, E., Pasechnik, D.V., Salazar, G. Book drawings of complete bipartite graphs (2014) Discrete Applied Mathematics 167, pp. 80–93.
13. A. Aguilera and E. Ugalde, Graph entropy as tool for understanding complex urban networks: The case of Ensenada city, Mexico (2014) International Journal of Society Systems Science 6(1), pp. 87-99.
14. A. Aguilera and E. Ugalde, Entropía de grafos y su uso para medir la inteligibilidad de la ciudad (2014) Estudios Geográficos 75(277), pp. 479-494.
15. Z. Ovanesyan, B. Medasani, M. O. Fenley, G. I. Guerrero García, M. Olvera de la Cruz, and M. Marucho, Excluded volume and Ion-Ion correlation effects on the ionic atmosphere around B-DNA: Theory, Simulations, and Eperiments, Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 225103 (2014).
16. G.I. Guerrero-García and M. Olvera de la Cruz, Polarization effects of dielectric nanoparticles in aqueous charge-asymmetric electrolytes, Journal Physical Chemistry B 118, 8854-8862 (2014).
Biofísica y Bioingeniería
17. Sánchez-Díaz LE, Lázaro-Lázaro E, Olais-Govea JM, Medina-Noyola M. Non-equilibrium dynamics of glass-forming liquid mixtures. J Chem Phys. 2014 Jun 21;140(23):234501.
18. Leija-Martínez N, Casas-Flores S, Cadena-Nava RD, Roca JA, Mendez-Cabañas JA, Gomez E, Ruiz-Garcia J.Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Dec 16;42(22):13963-8.
19. Mendoza-Méndez, P., López-Flores, L., Vizcarra-Rendón, A., Sánchez-Díaz, L.E., Medina-Noyola, M. Generalized Langevin equation for tracer diffusion in atomic liquids (2014) Physica A 394, pp. 1–16.
20. P. Viveros-Méndez, Alejandro Gil-Villegas and S. Aranda-Espinoza, Monte Carlo computer simulation of sedimentation of charged hard spherocylinders (2014) The Journal of Chemical Physics 141: 044905.
21. Yañez-Soto B, Mannis MJ, Schwab IR, Li JY, et al. Interfacial Phenomena and the Ocular Surface. The Ocular Surface 2014;12(3):178-201.
Física de Materiales
22. Moctezuma, R.E., Arauz-Lara, J.L., Donado, F. Multifractality in dilute magnetorheological fluids under an oscillating magnetic field (2014) Physical Review E 90(6):062303.
23. Dorantes-Dávila, J., Pastor, G.M. Spin and orbital magnetism in free nanoparticles: Size, composition, and temperature effects (2014) Frontiers of Nanoscience, 6, pp. 33-84.
24. Micoli, A., Turco, A., Araujo-Palomo, E., Encinas, A., Quintana, M., Prato, M. upramolecular assemblies of nucleoside functionalized carbon nanotubes: Synthesis, film preparation, and properties (2014) Chemistry - A European Journal, 20 (18), pp. 5397-5402.
25. Hadad, C., Ke, X., Carraro, M., Sartorel, A., Bittencourt, C., Van Tendeloo, G., Bonchio, M., Quintana, M., Prato, M. Positive graphene by chemical design: Tuning supramolecular strategies for functional surfaces (2014) Chemical Communications, 50 (7), pp. 885-887.
26. J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero, Johanna Lantenet, Juan Hernández-Cordero, Roberto Zenit, Compact bubble clusters in Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids, Physics of Fluids 26 053101 (2014).
27. J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero, A.M. Velázquez-Benítez, J. Hernández-Cordero, Thermocapillary flow in glass tubes coated with photoresponsive layers, Langmuir 30, 5326 (2014).
28. Roger M. Arco, J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero, Eric Lauga, Roberto Zenit, Viscous pumping inspired by flexible propulsion, Bioinspir. Biomim. 9, 036007 (2014).
Bioquímica y Biología Celular
1. Fåhraeus R, Olivares-Illana V. MDM2's social network. Oncogene. 2014 Aug 28;33(35):4365-76.
2. Gruszczyk, J., Olivares-Illana, V., Nourikyan, J., Fleurie, A., Béchet, E., Gueguen-Chaignon, V., Freton, C., Aumont-Nicaise, M., Moréra, S., Grangeasse, C., Nessler, S. Comparative Analysis of the Tyr-Kinases CapB1 and CapB2 Fused to Their Cognate Modulators CapA1 and CapA2 from Staphylococcus aureus (2013) PLoS ONE 8(10):e75958.
3. Araiza-Olivera D, Chiquete-Felix N, Rosas-Lemus M, Sampedro JG, Peña A, Mujica A, Uribe-Carvajal S. A glycolytic metabolon in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is stabilized by F-actin. FEBS J. 2013 Aug;280(16):3887-905.
Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional
4. Luna B, Galán-Vásquez E, Ugalde E, Martínez-Antonio A. Structural comparison of biological networks based on dominant vertices. Molecular BioSystems. 2013;9(7):1765-73.
5. Espinoza-Valdez A, Ordaz-Salazar FC, Ugalde E, Femat R. Analysis of a model for the morphological structure of renal arterial tree: Fractal structure. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2013.
6. Salgado-García R, Ugalde E. Exact Scaling in the Expansion-Modification System. Journal of Statistical Physics. 2013;153(5): 842-63.
7. De Klerk, E., Pasechnik, D.V., Salazar, G. Improved lower bounds on book crossing numbers of complete graphs (2013) SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 27(2), 619–633.
8. Ábrego, B.M., Aichholzer, O., Fernández-Merchant, S., Ramos, P., Salazar, G. The 2-Page Crossing Number of Kn (2013) Discrete and Computational Geometry 49(4), pp. 747-777.
9. Barba, L., Fabila-Monroy, R., Lara, D., Leaños, J., Rodríguez, C., Salazar, G., Zaragoza, F.J. The Erdos-Sós conjecture for geometric graphs (2013) Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 15(1). pp. 93-100.
10. Balogh, J., González-Aguilar, H., Salazar, G. Large convex holes in random point sets (2013) Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications 46(6), pp. 725–733.
11. Large counterions boost colloidal solubility and amplify the renormalized charged, G. I. Guerrero-García, Pedro González-Mozuelos, and M. Olvera de la Cruz, ACS Nano 7, 9714-9723 (2013).
12. An exact method to obtain effective electrostatic interactions from computer simulations: the case of effective charge amplification, Pedro González-Mozuelos, G. I. Guerrero-García, and M. Olvera de la Cruz, Journal of Chemical Physics 139, 064709 (2013).
13. Enhancing and reversing the electric field at the interface with size-asymmetric monovalent ions, G. I. Guerrero-García, Y. Jing, and M. Olvera de la Cruz, Soft Matter 9, 6046 (2013).
14. Inversion of the electric field at liquid-liquid interfaces, G. I. Guerrero-García and M. Olvera de la Cruz, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 9, 1 (2013).
Biofísica y Bioingeniería
15. López-Flores L, Ruíz-Estrada H, Chávez-Páez M, Medina-Noyola M. Dynamic equivalences in the hard-sphere dynamic universality class. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2013 Oct;88(4): 042301.
16. Sánchez-Díaz LE, Ramírez-González P, Medina-Noyola M. Equilibration and aging of dense soft-sphere glass-forming liquids. Phys Rev E 87(5): 052306.
17. Yañez‐Soto B, Liliensiek S, Murphy C, Nealey P. Biochemically and topographically engineered poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate hydrogels with biomimetic characteristics as substrates for human corneal epithelial cells. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2013;101(4):1184-1194.
18. Yañez-Soto B, Liliensiek SJ, Gasiorowski JZ, Murphy CJ, et al. The influence of substrate topography on the migration of corneal epithelial wound borders. Biomaterials 2013;34(37):9244-9251.
Física de Materiales
19. Negulyaev, N.N., Dorantes-Dávila, J., Niebergall, L., Juárez-Reyes, L., Pastor, G.M., Stepanyuk, V.S. Alloying route to tailor giant magnetic anisotropy in transition-metal nanowires (2013) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 87 (5): 054425.
20. Dorantes-Dávila, J., Pastor, G.M. Quantum theory of magnetic nanostructures opens new routes to magnetic material design (2013) AIP Conference Proceedings, 1540, pp. 84-94.
21. Dorantes-Dávila, J., Pastor, G.M. Magnetic properties of transition-metal nanoalloys (2013) Nanoalloys, pp. 247-281.
22. Díaz-Sánchez, L.E., Dorantes-Dávila, J., Pastor, G.M. Local and chemical environment dependence of the magnetic properties of CoRh core-shell nanoparticles (2013) Physical Review B 88(13): 134423.
23. Ke, X., Turner, S., Quintana, M., Hadad, C., Montellano-Lõpez, A., Carraro, M., Sartorel, A., Bonchio, M., Prato, M., Bittencourt, C., Van Tendeloo, G. Dynamic motion of ru-polyoxometalate ions (POMs) on functionalized few-layer graphene (2013) Small, 9 (23), pp. 3922-3927.
24. Calvaresi, M., Quintana, M., Rudolf, P., Zerbetto, F., Prato, M. Rolling up a graphene sheet (2013) ChemPhysChem, 14 (15), pp. 3447-3453.
25. Micoli, A., Quintana, M., Prato, M. Novel nanostructures based on the active interplay between nucleobases and carbon nanotubes (2013) Supramolecular Chemistry, 25 (9-11), pp. 567-573.
26. Micoli, A., Soriano, M.L., Traboulsi, H., Quintana, M., Prato, M. ZnII-cyclen as a supramolecular probe for tagging thymidine nucleosides on carbon nanotubes (2013) European Journal of Organic Chemistry, (18), pp. 3685-3690.
27. Quintana, M., López, A.M., Rapino, S., Toma, F.M., Iurlo, M., Carraro, M., Sartorel, A., MacCato, C., Ke, X., Bittencourt, C., Da Ros, T., Van Tendeloo, G., Marcaccio, M., Paolucci, F., Prato, M., Bonchio, M. Knitting the catalytic pattern of artificial photosynthesis to a hybrid graphene nanotexture (2013) ACS Nano, 7 (1), pp. 811-817.
28. Quintana, M., Vazquez, E., Prato, M. Organic functionalization of graphene in dispersions (2013) Accounts of Chemical Research, 46 (1), pp. 138-148.
29. Moctezuma, R.E., Donado, F., Arauz-Lara, J.L. Lateral aggregation induced by magnetic perturbations in a magnetorheological fluid based on non-Brownian particles (2013) Physical Review 88(3):032305.
30. Montenegro Ríos, A., Sarocchi, D., Nahmad-Molinari, Y., Borselli, L. Form From Projected Shadow (FFPS): An algorithm for 3D shape analysis of sedimentary particles (2013) Computers and Geosciences 60, pp. 98–108.
31. J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero, Eric Lauga, Waving transport and propulsion in a generalized Newtonian fluid, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech, 199, 37 (2013).
Bioquímica y Biología Celular
1. Reyes-Pardo H, Barbosa-Camacho AA, Pérez-Mejía AE, Lara-Chacón B, Salas-Estrada LA, Robledo-Rivera AY, Montero-Morán GM, Lara-González S, Calera MR, Sánchez-Olea R. A nuclear export sequence in GPN-loop GTPase 1, an essential protein for nuclear targeting of RNA polymerase II, is necessary and sufficient for nuclear export. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2012 Oct;1823(10):1756-66.
2. Gajjar M, Candeias MM, Malbert-Colas L, Mazars A, Fujita J, Olivares-Illana V, Fåhraeus R. The p53 mRNA-Mdm2 interaction controls Mdm2 nuclear trafficking and is required for p53 activation following DNA damage (2012), Cancer Cell. 21(1): pp. 25-35.
3. Palma-Orozco G, Sampedro JG, Ortiz-Moreno A, Nájera H. In situ inactivation of polyphenol oxidase in mamey fruit (Pouteria sapota) by microwave treatment. J Food Sci. 2012 Apr;77(4):C359-65.
Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional
4. Urías, J., Leija, N. Probability amplitudes for broadband N-photon processes in linear optics (2012) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 45 (30), art. no. 305303.
5. Hernández-Vélez C, Salazar G, Thomas R. Nested cycles in large triangulations and crossing-critical graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Theory.Series B. 2012;102(1):86-92.
6. Ábrego BM, Cetina M, Leaños J, Salazar G. Visibility-preserving convexifications using single-vertex moves. Information Processing Letters. 2012;112(5):161-3.
7. Lima R, Meyroneinc A, Ugalde E. Dynamic modularity in discrete-time models of regulatory networks. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals. 2012;45(5): 561-76.
8. Chazottes J-, Gambaudo J-, Hochman M, Ugalde E. On the finite-dimensional marginals of shift-invariant measures. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2012;32(5):1485-500.
9. Ábrego, B.M., Cetina, M., Fernández-Merchant, S., Leaños, J., Salazar, G. On ≤ k-Edges, Crossings, and Halving Lines of Geometric Drawings of Kn (2012) Discrete and Computational Geometry 48(1), pp. 192-215.
Biofísica y Bioingeniería
10. Fortin GM, Bourque MJ, Mendez JA, Leo D, Nordenankar K, Birgner C, Arvidsson E, Rymar VV, Bérubé-Carrière N, Claveau AM, Descarries L, Sadikot AF, Wallén-Mackenzie Å, Trudeau LÉ. Glutamate corelease promotes growth and survival of midbrain dopamine neurons. J Neurosci. 2012 Nov 28;32(48):17477-91
11. López-Flores L, Yeomans-Reyna LL, Chávez-Páez M, Medina-Noyola M. The overdamped van Hove function of atomic liquids. J Phys Condens Matter. 2012 Sep 19;24(37):375107.
12. López-Flores, L., Mendoza-Méndez, P., Sánchez-Díaz, L.E., Yeomans-Reyna, L.L., Vizcarra-Rendón, A., Pérez-Ángel, G., Chávez-Páez, M., Medina-Noyola, M. Dynamic equivalence between atomic and colloidal liquids (2012) EPL 99: 46001.
13. Wilson MJ, Jiang Y, Yañez-Soto B, Liliensiek S, et al. Arrays of topographically and peptide-functionalized hydrogels for analysis of biomimetic extracellular matrix properties. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2012; 30(6):06F903.
Física de Materiales
14. Garibay-Alonso, R., Dorantes-Dávila, J., Pastor, G.M. Finite-temperature magnetism of Ni monolayers: Interplay between flips and amplitude fluctuations of the local moments (2012) Physical Review B 85 (22): 224409.
15. J. Santana-Solano, C. M. Quezada, S. Ozuna-Chacón and J. L. Arauz-Lara, Spontaneous emulsification at the Water/Oil interface, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 399: 78–82 (2012).
16. M. Chávez-Páez, C. Quezada, H. González-Ochoa, L. Ibarra-Bracamontes, and J. L. Arauz-Lara,Coalescence in double emulsions (2012) Langmuir 28: 5934-5939.
17. B. Bonilla-Capilla, A. Ramírez-Saito, M. A. Ojeda-López and J. L. Arauz-Lara, Hydrodynamic interactions between colloidal particles in a planar pore (2012) J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24: 464126.
18. Quintana, M., Grzelczak, M., Spyrou, K., Kooi, B., Bals, S., Tendeloo, G.V., Rudolf, P., Prato, M. Production of large graphene sheets by exfoliation of graphite under high power ultrasound in the presence of tiopronin (2012) Chemical Communications, 48 (100), pp. 12159-12161.
19. Quintana, M., Grzelczak, M., Spyrou, K., Calvaresi, M., Bals, S., Kooi, B., Van Tendeloo, G., Rudolf, P., Zerbetto, F., Prato, M. A simple road for the transformation of few-layer graphene into MWNTs (2012) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (32), pp. 13310-13315.
20. Quintana, M., Traboulsi, H., Llanes-Pallas, A., Marega, R., Bonifazi, D., Prato, M. Multiple hydrogen bond interactions in the processing of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (2012) ACS Nano, 6 (1), pp. 23-31.
21. Bartali, R., Sarocchi, D., Nahmad-Molinari, Y., Rodríguez-Sedano, L.A. Study of geological granular flows through the GRANFLOW multisensor-SIM simulator (2012) Boletin de la Sociedad Geologica Mexicana 64(3), pp. 265-275.
22. R.E. Moctezuma, J.L. Carrillo and M.E. Mendoza, “Evolution of the complexity of the domain structure in boracites”, Rev. Mex. Fís. , S 58 (1) 48–53 (2012).
23. R.E. Moctezuma, J.F. Nossa, A. Camacho, J.L. Carrillo and J.M. Rubí, Dipolar transformations of two-dimensional quantum dots arrays proven by electron energy loss spectroscopy, 112, 024105, J. Appl. Phys. (2012).
24. R.E. Moctezuma and J.L. Carrillo, “Electron Scattering by Ferroelectric 2D-Arrays of Quantum Dots”, Ferroelectrics, 427, 84–90 (2012).
25. D. Legendre, R. Zenit, J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero, On the deformation of gas bubbles in liquids, Phys. Fluids, 24, 043303 (2012).
26. J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero, D. Sámano, R. Zenit, Study of the properties of bubbly flows in Boger-type fluids, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 175, 1 (2012).
27. J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero, D. Sámano, R. Zenit, Bubble Clusters in Associative Polymers. Part VII Gallery of Fluids. Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics, Jaime Klapp etal. (eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2012.
Bioquímica y Biología Celular
1. Calera MR, Zamora-Ramos C, Araiza-Villanueva MG, Moreno-Aguilar CA, Peña-Gómez SG, Castellanos-Terán F, Robledo-Rivera AY, Sánchez-Olea R. Parcs/Gpn3 is required for the nuclear accumulation of RNA polymerase II. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2011 Oct;1813(10):1708-16.
2. Palma-Orozco G, Ortiz-Moreno A, Dorantes-Alvarez L, Sampedro JG, Nájera H. Purification and partial biochemical characterization of polyphenol oxidase from mamey (Pouteria sapota) (2011) Phytochemistry 72(1): 82-8.
3. Alvarez-Buylla ER, Benítez M, Espinosa-Soto C. Mutually reinforcing patterning mechanisms. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2011 Jul 6;12(8): 533; author reply 533.
4. Espinosa-Soto C, Martin OC, Wagner A. Phenotypic robustness can increase phenotypic variability after nongenetic perturbations in gene regulatory circuits. J Evol Biol. 2011 Jun;24(6):1284-97.
5. Espinosa-Soto C, Martin OC, Wagner A. Phenotypic plasticity can facilitate adaptive evolution in gene regulatory circuits. BMC Evol Biol. 2011 Jan 6;11:5.
6. Azpeitia E, Benítez M, Padilla-Longoria P, Espinosa-Soto C, Alvarez-Buylla ER. Dynamic network-based epistasis analysis: boolean examples. Front Plant Sci. 2011 Dec 15;2:92.
Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional
7. Urías, J. Amplitudes for multiphoton quantum processes in linear optics (2011) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 44 (30), art. no. 305303.
8. Aichholzer O, Ábrego BM, Fernández-Merchant S, Leaños J, Salazar G. There is a unique crossing-minimal rectilinear drawing of K18. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 2011; 38:547-52.
9. Christian R, Richter RB, Salazar G. Asymptotically settling Zarankiewicz's Conjecture in finite time, for each m. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. 2011;38:279-84.
10. Chazottes J-, Gambaudo J-, Ugalde E. Zero-temperature limit of one-dimensional Gibbs states via renormalization: The case of locally constant potentials. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2011;31(4): 1109-61.
11. Jiménez-Serratos G, Avendaño C, Gil-Villegas A, González-Tovar E. Computer simulation of charged hard spherocylinders at low temperatures. Mol Phys. 2011;109(1):27-36.
12. Martín-Molina A, Ibarra-Armenta JG, González-Tovar E, Hidalgo-Álvarez R, Quesada-Pérez M. Monte Carlo simulations of the electrical double layer forces in the presence of divalent electrolyte solutions: Effect of the ion size. Soft Matter. 2011;7(4): 1441-9.
13. Potential of mean force between identical charged nanoparticles immersed in a size-asymmetric monovalent electrolyte, G. I. Guerrero-García, Pedro González-Mozuelos, and M. Olvera de la Cruz, Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 164705 (2011).
14. Entropic effects in the electric double layer of model colloids with size-asymmetric monovalent ions, G. I. Guerrero-García, M. Olvera de la Cruz, and E. González-Tovar, Journal of Chemical Physics 135, 054701 (2011).
15. Coulomb interactions in charged fluids, G. Vernizzi, G. I. Guerrero-García, and M. Olvera de la Cruz, Physical Review E 84, 016707 (2011).
Biofísica y Bioingeniería
16. Ramírez-González PE, López-Flores L, Acuña-Campa H, Medina-Noyola M. Density-temperature-softness scaling of the dynamics of glass-forming soft-sphere liquids. Phys Rev Lett. 2011 Oct 7;107(15):155701.
17. Sánchez-Díaz LE, Mendez-Maldonado GA, González-Melchor M, Ruiz-Estrada H, Medina-Noyola M. Equilibrium structure of the multi-component screened charged hard-sphere fluid. J Chem Phys. 2011 Jul 7;135(1): 014504.
18. Pérez-Ángel G, Sánchez-Díaz LE, Ramírez-González PE, Juárez-Maldonado R, Vizcarra-Rendón A, Medina-Noyola M. Equilibration of concentrated hard-sphere fluids. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2011 Jun;83(6 Pt 1):060501.
19. Lagerström MC, Rogoz K, Abrahamsen B, Lind AL, Olund C, Smith C, Mendez JA, Wallén-Mackenzie Å, Wood JN, Kullander K. A sensory subpopulation depends on vesicular glutamate transporter 2 for mechanical pain, and together with substance P, inflammatory pain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Apr 5;108(14): 5789-94.
20. Mendez JA, Bourque MJ, Fasano C, Kortleven C, Trudeau LE. Somatodendritic dopamine release requires synaptotagmin 4 and 7 and the participation of voltage-gated calcium channels. J Biol Chem. 2011 Jul 8;286(27): 23928-37.
21. Fulton S, Thibault D, Mendez JA, Lahaie N, Tirotta E, Borrelli E, Bouvier M, Tempel BL, Trudeau LE. Contribution of Kv1.2 voltage-gated potassium channel to D2 autoreceptor regulation of axonal dopamine overflow. J Biol Chem. 2011 Mar 18;286(11):9360-72.
22. Robert P, Nicolas A, Aranda-Espinoza S, Bongrand P, Limozin L. Minimal encounter time and separation determine ligand-receptor binding in cell adhesion (2011) Biophys J. 100(11):2642-51.
23. Tocce E.J., Liliensiek S.J., Wilson M.J., Yanez-Soto B., Nealey P.F., and Murphy C.J. Engineering the Biophysical Properties of Basement Membranes into Biomaterials: Fabrication and Effects on Cell Behavior. In: P. Ducheyne, Comprehensive Biomaterials,vol. 1, pp. 527-546 Elsevier (2011)
Física de Materiales
24. Ruiz-Díaz, P., Garibay-Alonso, R., Dorantes-Dávila, J., Pastor, G.M. Noncollinear magnetism in transition metal nanostructures: Exchange interaction and local environment effects in free and deposited clusters (2011) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84 (2), art. no. 024431.
25. León, V., Quintana, M., Herrero, M.A., Fierro, J.L.G., Hoz, A.D.L., Prato, M., Vázquez, E. Few-layer graphenes from ball-milling of graphite with melamine (2011) Chemical Communications, 47 (39), pp. 10936-10938.
26. Quintana, M., Montellano, A., Del Rio Castillo, A.E., Tendeloo, G.V., Bittencourt, C., Prato, M. Selective organic functionalization of graphene bulk or graphene edges (2011) Chemical Communications, 47 (33), pp. 9330-9332.
27. Cellot, G., Toma, F.M., Varley, Z.K., Laishram, J., Villari, A., Quintana, M., Cipollone, S., Prato, M., Ballerini, L. Carbon nanotube scaffolds tune synaptic strength in cultured neural circuits: Novel frontiers in nanomaterial-tissaue interactions (2011) Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (36), pp. 12945-12953.
28. Oros-Ruiz, S., Pedraza-Avella, J.A., Guzmán, C., Quintana, M., Moctezuma, E., Del Angel, G., Gómez, R., Pérez, E. Effect of gold particle size and deposition method on the photodegradation of 4-Chlorophenol by Au/TiO2 (2011) Topics in Catalysis, 54 (8-9), pp. 519-526.
29. Montenegro Rios, A., Sarocchi, D., Valdivieso, A.L., Nahmad-Molinari, Y. Machine vision for size distribution determination of spherically shaped particles in dense-granular beds, oriented to pelletizing process automation (2011) Particulate Science and Technology 29(4), pp. 356-367.
30. Cervantes-Martínez, A.E., Ramírez-Saito, A., Armenta-Calderón, R., Ojeda-López, M.A., Arauz-Lara, J.L. Colloidal diffusion inside a spherical cell (2011) Physical Review E 83(3):030402.
31. Pérez-Ángel, G., Nahmad-Molinari, Y. Bouncing, rolling, energy flows, and cluster formation in a two-dimensional vibrated granular gas (2011) Physical Review E 84: 041303.
32. R.E. Moctezuma, J.L. Carrillo and L. Meza-Montes, “Dipolar Transformations of 2D Distributions of Quantum Dots”, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 126, 1-6 (2011).
33. J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero, D. Sámano, P. Yue, J. Feng, R. Zenit, Hydrodynamic interaction between a pair of bubbles ascending in shear-thinning inelastic fluids. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 166, 118 (2011).
34. J. Rodrigo Vélez-Cordero, R. Zenit, Bubble cluster formation in shear-thinning inelastic bubbly columns. J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech., 166, 32 (2011).
Bioquímica y Biología Celular
1. Araiza-Olivera D, Sampedro JG, Mújica A, Peña A, Uribe-Carvajal S. The association of glycolytic enzymes from yeast confers resistance against inhibition by trehalose. FEMS Yeast Res. 2010 May;10(3):282-9.
2. Espinosa-Soto C, Wagner A. Specialization can drive the evolution of modularity. PLoS Comput Biol. 2010 Mar 26;6(3):e1000719.
Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional
3. Urías, J. Householder factorizations of unitary matrices (2010) Journal of Mathematical Physics, 51 (7), art. no. 051006JMP.
4. Orden D, Ramos P, Salazar G. The Number of Generalized Balanced Lines. Discrete and Computational Geometry. 2010;44(4):805-11.
5. Ábrego BM, Cetina M, Fernández-Merchant S, Leaños J, Salazar G. 3-symmetric and 3-decomposable geometric drawings of Kn. Discrete Applied Mathematics. 2010;158(12):1240-58.
6. Hliněný P, Salazar G. Stars and bonds in crossing-critical graphs. Journal of Graph Theory. 2010;65(3):198-215.
7. Olivera BCL, Ugalde E, Martínez-Antonio A. Regulatory dynamics of standard two-component systems in bacteria. J Theor Biol. 2010;264(2): 560-9.
8. Vilaclara G, Martinez-Mekler G, Cuna E, Ugalde E. Diatom-inferred palaeoenvironmental changes of a Pliocene lake disturbed by volcanic activity. J Paleolimnol. 2010;44(1):203-15.
9. Guerrero-García, G.I., González-Tovar, E., Chávez-Páez, M., Lozada-Cassou, M., Overcharging and charge reversal in the electrical double layer around the point of zero charge (2010) Journal of Chemical Physics 132: 054903.
10. A Graphics Processing Unit implementation of Coulomb interaction in molecular dynamics, P. K. Jha, Rastko Sknepnek, G. I. Guerrero-García, and M. Olvera de la Cruz, Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6, 3058 (2010).
11. Effects of the ionic size-asymmetry around a charged nanoparticle: unequal charge neutralization and electrostatic screening, G. I. Guerrero-García, M. Olvera de la Cruz, and E. González-Tovar, Soft Matter 6, 2056 (2010).
Biofísica y Bioingeniería
12. Ramírez-González P, Medina-Noyola M. Aging of a homogeneously quenched colloidal glass-forming liquid. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2010 Dec;82(6 Pt 1):061504.
13. Ramírez-González P, Medina-Noyola M. General nonequilibrium theory of colloid dynamics. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2010 Dec;82(6 Pt 1):061503.
14. Sánchez-Díaz LE, Vizcarra-Rendón A, Medina-Noyola M. Generalized mean spherical approximation for the multicomponent restricted primitive model. J Chem Phys. 2010 Jun 21;132(23):234506.
15. Ramírez-González P, Medina-Noyola M. General nonequilibrium theory of colloid dynamics. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2010 Dec;82(6 Pt 1):061503.
16. Sánchez-Díaz LE, Vizcarra-Rendón A, Medina-Noyola M. Generalized mean spherical approximation for the multicomponent restricted primitive model. J Chem Phys. 2010 Jun 21;132(23):234506.
17. Birgner C, Nordenankar K, Lundblad M, Mendez JA, Smith C, Le Grevès M, Olson L, Fredriksson A, Trudeau LE, Kullander K and Wallén-Mackenzie A. VGluT2 in dopamine neurons is required for psychostimulant-induced behavioral activation. PNAS 107:389-394: 2010.
18. Lagerström MC, Rogoz K, Abrahamsen B, Persson E, Reinius B, Nordenankar K, Olund C, Smith C, Mendez JA, Chen ZF, Wood JN, Wallén-Mackenzie A, Kullander K. VGLUT2-dependent sensory neurons in the TRPV1 population regulate pain and itch. Neuron 68:529-542: 2010.
19. T. Yamamoto, S. Aranda-Espinoza, R. Dimova and R. Lipowsky, Stability of spherical vesicles in electric fields (2010) Langmuir 26(14), pp. 12390–12407.
Física de Materiales
20. Valvidares, S.M., Dorantes-Dávila, J., Isern, H., Ferrer, S., Pastor, G.M. Interface-driven manipulation of the magnetic anisotropy of ultrathin Co films on Pt(111): Substrate deposition of hydrogen and model calculations (2010) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 81 (2), art. no. 024415.
21. Ruiz-Díaz, P., Ricardo-Chávez, J.L., Dorantes-Dávila, J., Pastor, G.M. Magnetism of small Cr clusters: Interplay between structure, magnetic order, and electron correlations (2010) Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 81 (22), art. no. 224431.
22. C. Haro-Pérez, Andrés García-Castillo, Beatríz Bonilla-Capilla, José Luis Arauz-Lara, Colloidal motion in confined viscoelastic systems (2010) Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 361, 7–12.
23. A. Ramírez-Saito, Jesús Santana-Solano, Beatriz Bonilla-Capilla, José Luis Arauz-Lara, Hydrodynamic interactions in quasi-two-dimensional colloidal suspensions (2010), J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 165, 941–945.
24. S. Calixto, Martha Rosete-Aguilar, Francisco J. Sanchez-Marin, Virginia Marañon, Jose Luis Arauz-Lara, Diana Mendoza Olivares, Margarita Calixto-Solano, and E. Militza Martinez-Prado, Optofluidic compound microlenses made by emulsion techniques (2010) Opt. Express 18, 18703-18711.
25. Quintana, M., Grzelczak, M., Prato, M. Organic functionalization of carbon nanostructures via 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions (2010) Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research, 247 (11-12), pp. 2645-2648.
26. Quintana, M., Ke, X., Van Tendeloo, G., Meneghetti, M., Bittencourt, C., Prato, M. Light-induced selective deposition of Au nanoparticles on single-wall carbon nanotubes (2010) ACS Nano, 4 (10), pp. 6105-6113.
27. Quintana, M., Spyrou, K., Grzelczak, M., Browne, W.R., Rudolf, P., Prato, M. Functionalization of graphene via 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition (2010) ACS Nano, 4 (6), pp. 3527-3533.
28. Perera-Burgos, J.A., Pérez-Ángel, G., Nahmad-Molinari, Y. Diffusivity and weak clustering in a quasi-two-dimensional granular gas (2010), Physical Review E 82(5): 051305.
- Detalles
*Catedráticos CONACyT
Líneas de investigación (LI)
- BBC: Bioquímica y Biología Celular
- MMC: Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional
- BF: Biofísica y Bioingeniería
- FM: Física de Materiales
- Detalles
No. | Nombre del Proyecto | Financiamiento | LGAC | Monto |
1 | Correlaciones dinámicas en fluidos macromoleculares y coloidales. Proyecto de Grupo, No. 182132. | CONACyT | Física de Materiales |
$ 4,354,452.00 |
2 | Apoyo de Cátedras CONACyT, Física de la Materia Blanda. No. 245661 | CONACyT |
Biofísica y Bioingeníeria Física de |
$2,350,000.00 |
3 | Dinámica y Evolución de redes de regulación Transcripcional, (CB-2013-01) | CONACyT | Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional | $652,400.00 |
4 | Evolución de la robustez en redes de regulación genética. PROMEP/103.5/13/6575 | PROMEP | Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional | $540,637.00 |
5 | Fuerza de casimir: efectos de volumen excluido simetría de sistemas fuera de equilibrio. | CONACyT | Física de Materiales | $1,205,000.00 |
6 | Cooperación técnica para implementar una Central Termo-solar de 0.15 MWt en Configuración lineal de Fresnel para calor de procesos en el Hospital Central Dr. Ignacio Morones Prieto | Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo | Física de Materiales |
$1,400,000.00 |
7 | Infraestructura para el fortalecimiento (Biofísica) CONACyT | CONACyT | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | $4,300,000.00 |
8 | Transición Vítrea y Envejecimiento de Sistemas Coloidales | CONACyT | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | $1,020,000.00 |
9 | Sistema casero de identificación genética para el diagnóstico de enfermedades respiratorias (DIAGEN) Etapa 2. | Tecnociencias Aplicadas S.A. de C.V | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | 1,050,000.00 |
10 | Paquete Tecnológico para el uso de Moléculas Naturales extraídas de Tamarindo para uso Terapéutico en Diabetes y Obesidad; Etapa 2 | Primerísima del Pacífico SA de CV | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | $855,375.00 |
11 | Paquete de escalamiento de tecnologías para la detección de condiciones de predisposición genética y aneuploidas en embriones humanos: ACCU 23 FAST | Hakken Enterprise SA de CV | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | $2,275.000.00 |
12 | Nanobiotecnología para procesos de regeneración de tejido. Uso de moléculas naturales extraídas de plantas medicinales y nanoparticulas metálicas para generación epitelial acelerada NANOCIC. | Larian Technologies SA de CV | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | $315,000.00 |
13 | Escalamiento de tecnología genética de pruebas autoadministrables para la identificación de VIH en muestras salivales (DetectaHIV): Etapa 2 |
PEI-CONACyT colaboración con PRECISA-SCIENCE | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | $9,997,000 |
14 | Paquete para la identificación casera de VIH en muestras salivales utilizando tecnología genética: (DetectaHIV): Etapa 3. | PEI-CONACyT colaboración con PRECISA-SCIENCE | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | $9,777,975 |
15 | Estudio bioquímico estructural de las interacciones entre el supresorde tumores p53 y sus proteínas reguladoras Mdm2 y Mdmx | CONACyT | Bioquímica y Biología celular | $1,400,000.00 |
16 | Caracterización funcional y molecular de las neuronas glutamatérgicas del mesencéfalo de ratón | CONACyT | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | $1,400,000.00 |
17 | Estudio de las Interacciones entre Rb-MDM2-MDMX en el Desarrollo de Retinoblastoma | Beca para las mujeres en la Ciencia L'Oreal-UNESCO-AMC, 2013 | Bioquímica y Biología celular | $100,000.00 |
18 | Elucidando el mecanismo por el cual el oncogén Mdm2 pasa de ser una E3 ubiquitinligasa a un factor de traducción para p53, estudiando sus modificaciones post-traduccionalesa | Fondo de Investigación Pfizer | Bioquímica y Biología celular | $500,000.00 |
19 | Desarrollo del departamento de microscopia de alta resolución de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. | CONACyT | Física de Materiales |
$13,000,000.00 |
20 | Grafeno: Manipulación Química, Propiedades y Aplicaciones. | CONACyT | Física de Materiales |
$1,400,000.00 |
21 | Las bombas primarias P-ATPasas: Estructura cuaternaria, mecanismos de regulación y estabilización. | CONACyT | Bioquímica y Biología celular | $1,400.000.00 |
22 | Alteraciones en la acumulación nuclear de la ARN polimerasa II dependiente de las proteínas Gpn en cáncer de mama | CONACyT | Bioquímica y Biología celular | $1,780,000.00 |
23 | Importancia del ciclo de transporte nucleocitoplasmatico de la GTPasa GPN1 en la acumulación nuclear de la RNA polimerasa II | CONACyT | Bioquímica y Biología celular | $2,000,000.00 |
24 | Encajes y dibujos de gráficas | CONACyT | Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional | $397,698.00 |
25 | Dinámica de Redes de Contracciones | CONACyT | Modelamiento Matemático y Computacional | $447,162.00. |
26 | Propiedades mecánicas de membranas artificiales: mimetizando el citoesqueleto y la pared celular | CONACyT | Biofísica y Bioingeníeria | $1,997,300.00 |
- Detalles
Laboratorio de Fluidos Complejos
Laboratorio de Biofísica de Proteínas
Laboratorio de Biología Celular
Laboratorio de Biología Molecular
Laboratorio de Interacciones Moleculares y Cáncer
Laboratorio de Materiales Nanoestructurados Multifuncionales
Laboratorio de Biofísica Molecular
Laboratorio de Biofísica
- Detalles